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For times such as these

From St Andrew's newsletter:

You don’t need me to tell you that money is tight and family budgets are under immense pressure at the minute – nor that money worries are one of the main causes of stress, depression and relationship breakdowns - we can see it all around us in our friends, our relatives and our work colleagues.

In previous generations Christians have taken a leading role in tackling these issues – and earlier this year, in partnership with Christians Against Poverty (CAP), we picked up the baton here in Leyland.

Since May we have run 5 CAP Money courses at St. Andrews and nearly 70 people have taken the opportunity to review their budgets and become better stewards of their money through CAP’s simple cash based money management system.  

Here’s some of the encouraging feedback we have received:

“Before the course our finances were in a real mess. Going on the course has made a massive difference – it’s been a life-changer – we are much more in control – we are fully up and running with the CAP System and very hopeful and positive about the future”.

We will be running more courses in 2013 so please come along or give me a shout for more information. We have also had the great privilege of working with St. John’s, Wellfield and Leyland Methodist churches this year to get them up and running with CAP Money. We now have 10 trained CAP Money Coaches between us.

More recently our four churches have made a joint approach to CAP about setting up one of their debt management centres here in Leyland with the aim of bringing real hope and practical Christian help to those struggling with the burden of unmanageable debt  in our town.

Please keep us in your prayers as we seek to move this ministry forward for the glory of God in 2013.

Mike Haydock