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Thumbs up from St Andrew's

It's four-and-a-half years since we started Wellfield Church. Today I was looking through some notes of meetings we had before it started - wow, what a long way we've come!

You know the story: St Andrew's church (pictured here with two giants) started Wellfield in order to better reach the many people of Leyland who would never come to the established church building. Starting a new congregation in this way was a totally new venture. So we agreed to try something - not being completely sure what would work. And we would review it after five years to assess how it's going. Well, guess what? That review process has been taking place over the last few weeks. What has been said?

Three members of St Andrew's have been leading the review. The main thing to say is that they have been really encouraged by what we're doing. They've read a report I've written. They've visited us on a Sunday morning. And they've grilled me with some rigorous questions. All in all, they're pleased that we're doing the slow, steady, hard work of reaching out to people with the Good News, and serving one another well as a church too. We've gained much clearer direction in these years, and have shown that we have an ongoing, growing purpose.

In keeping with this, I have now finally moved my study out of St Andrew's buildings - into our newly renovated loft! Do you like it? This will allow me a clearer focus on our work. Thanks to St Andrew's for their thumbs up!