The few of us who have been reading through books on Friday mornings have taken a breather. But we're going to re-launch on Friday 29th April.
'Ah!', I hear you say; 'That's the date of the Royal Wedding!' Well, leave all that to the ladies! We can start the day with a stonking book.
'But', you say, 'it's a bank holiday. I'm not having a 6.30 start!' But here's a deal: why not start your bank holiday with a 7.30 start and hot bacon butty? Tempted? You can be home by 8.30! (Then we'll do 6.30 as usual in the following weeks.)
If you haven't been coming on Friday mornings, here's why you might want to:
1. We'll read 'Total Church' (by Tim Chester & Steve Timmis) - it's exactly about how to do church our sort of way.
2. In order to get on with the work, we need to grow, and think - that's what good books are for.
3. If you say, 'I'm not a good reader', then that's the best reason to come! Neither am I - that's why it's good to meet together to talk about a book; it disciplines us, and gets us doing it; it helps us bounce ideas off each other - it gives reading purpose!
4. We're all so busy - therefore we meet when we're not doing anything else. And clear thinking helps us not get cluttered with our time, but use it well.
5. If you're in on the discussion about how church should be, it makes you less of a passenger in the church, and more of a partner in the work, at the hub of it and owning it.
So, are you coming? You can get the book on Amazon, or 10 of those.com etc. Read the intro and chapter 1 for the 29th.
Go on - you know you can! And girls: get your man the book, and send him along!