Aah! We've just got back from holiday. And the truth is, we're really glad to be back! Not because we had a rubbish time. (We didn't.) Not because the kids were driving us mad. (They weren't.) Not because the weather spoiled it. (It couldn't.) We're glad to be back because that's what holidays are for - coming home from!
If you live and work for holidays, they tend to leave you just slightly disappointed, don't they? 'You can have the best time ever, do whatever you want, spend money...' - and deep down, there's a nagging frustration. (Even if it's just because you know it's coming to an end soon.) But the question is, what are you living for? We're refreshed and rested, and grateful for the privilege of another family holiday. But we've come back to get on with the purpose of our lives: - to live for Jesus, to tell people about Jesus, that they may come to have life in his name just as we have done. Isn't that great?!